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The Ecclesiological Society

For those who love churches

Symbols in Life and Death: 2015 Monumental Brass Society conference

When:18/09/2015 - 20/09/2015
Time:14.00 on 18/09/2015 to 15.00 on 20/09/2015
Location:Maid’s Head Hotel, Norwich
Maid’s Head Hotel,
20 Tombland
See on Google Maps
Organiser:Monumental Brass Society

The Conference will begin with a visit to the church of St Peter and St Paul, Salle, where David King and David Harry will discuss the church and the Brigge family and their brasses. During the evening Sandy Heslop will provide the opening lecture on Monumental Opportunities: the Church Building Boom in 15th-Century Norfolk. Lectures on burial and commemoration in the city of Norwich will be given by Norman Tanner and Christian Liddy before visits to the churches of St Stephen, St Peter Mancroft, St Giles, St John Maddermarket and St Andrew to view their collections of brasses. The day will conclude with the Conference dinner in the Maid’s Head Hotel. Sunday is devoted to a series of lectures from Paul Binski, Claire Daunton, Sam Gibbs, Rosemary Hayes, Helen Lunnon, Julian Luxford and Matthew Sillence.

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