We welcome all all gifts in wills, however large or small.
A charitable legacy is a gift of money, property or an item left to an organisation in a will. This type of giving to charity is commonly referred to as gifts in wills. Gifts in wills made to charities are exempt from inheritance tax and can reduce the inheritance tax paid on an estate. They enable supporters to make a larger donation than may be possible during their lifetime.
Since needs change over the years, we would encourage you to leave a gift in your will for the Society’s general benefit and we will ensure that your gift is used where needs and opportunities are the greatest. We will discuss possible uses of your gift with your executors when the time comes, bearing in mind your known areas of interest in the Society and the Society’s priorities at the time. You may like to make a bequest for a specific purpose, eg publications, events, lectures, research grants, depending on your area of interest,.
We will acknowledge gifts in whatever way you or your executors feel most appropriate. Equally, we can make sure that gifts remain anonymous if you prefer.
If you would like to talk to someone in confidence about your gift and how you would like it to be acknowledged, please contact the Chairman of Council at chair@ecclsoc.org
Donations in memory
Instead of flowers at your funeral, you may like your friends to remember you with donations to the Ecclesiological Society. The following wording included in your will or in instructions to your Executor will ensure your wishes are met:
I request my Executor to ensure that instead of flowers at my funeral, donations are made to the Ecclesiological Society, of 68 Scholars Road, Balham, London, SW12 0PG, Registered Charity Number 210501
We are not able to provide legal advice. We would always encourage people to consult a solicitor or specialist financial advisor for advice about their will or estate. You can find useful advice here https://www.gov.uk/make-will , https://www.gov.uk/inheritance-tax
and here https://www.gov.uk/donating-to-charity/leaving-gifts-to-charity-in-your-will